How to build Angular 13 Multi Tenant App?

Multi-tenant architectures are increasingly taking over the digital market due to the number of advantages they offer tenants and landlords. But you need to think carefully before creating one.

Its ability to separate data by users under a single service is changing the perception of how database applications are developed, which only brings everything together in a central information center.


What is an Angular 13 multi-user application?

Its name is based on its multi-user methodology. Where the same server can be used by different clients simultaneously, they can save data or change the interface, but not the software base.

It is called multi-user architecture since it can recreate several application sections simultaneously. Because each user ID is physically separated but linked by a logical system. Its function is to manage multiple users and share data, screens, or images.

What are the types of multi-user applications?

Several multi-user applications will be differentiated by how they store data and connect individuals because they can fulfill the same function but cover different branches.

Complete multi-tenant

It is known for being the simplest among the three multi-tenant architectures since they store the information in a single database and an application and are easy to scale, even though it is difficult to operate.

It is low-cost for tenants because they store their information in the same place without complications and in the same application.

Single-tenant application

This system is similar to the complete multi-tenant system since it collects the information of all tenants; it is the same database as a whole, but with the quality that it is divided into several schemas.

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It is perfect for landlords who need to store their tenants’ information in different databases since they must be treated differently, such as changes due to geographic regulations.

Single-tenant database

Landlords consider it the most complex because it works with multiple databases and split systems. It is commonly used for tenants who must be divided according to certain criteria or rules.

What makes Angular 13 multi-tenant applications so important?

Its ease of use, which is realized through private or public clouds, has made multi-tenant apps more famous because it offers the division of each tenant’s data and their privacy to give security and trust to the work of these apps.

In the case of public clouds, it does not mean they are less secure. Rather, each user’s information is stored in a single cloud, but separated from others, to avoid confusion and be aware of everyone’s data.

In addition, multiple tenancy participation in these applications contributes to the growth of the cloud and improves the organization for an efficient and secure ROI. It allows for faster and better-managed upgrades to be made.

Is it feasible to create an Angular 13 multi-tenancy?

The advantages that Angular 13 offers you benefit the lessor to such an extent that he will not have to suffer stress for creating the application. For example, your team is largely due to the number of people working on it daily.

For this reason, whether you want to create a fairly large or small application, the completion times do not turn out to be large since it is normal that the larger the app, the more workers contribute.

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Now, Angular 13 changed all the standard schemas to transform them into a separation between the logic, presentation, and data of the application, providing the ease of making a single-page application with a multi-user architecture.

It also offers the creation of modules dependent or independent of each other. To give a better-divided interface to the application and improve the user experience without leaving the main idea of being multiple.

It uses bidirectional links, which allow that when the tenant changes anything in the interface, it is reflected directly in the application and tools. Improving its fluidity of it and the speed at which changes are made.

Angular 13’s model view controller is considered one of the best on the market; only minimal coding is required. POJO directives and data models with efficient testing are another quality.

How does a multi-user application benefit landlords and tenants?

Its multiple architectures allow it to be more profitable for the landlord, and there is not only one pricing model; they can vary depending on your needs and how much you want to leverage your lease.

In addition, the landlords themselves are the ones who deliver the upgrades, so the tenant does not need to do it. You only need to monitor one system, which is easy to handle and compact. Adapting to all kinds of needs or problems.

It will allow you to organize the landlord better, all the laws or rules of the accommodation, and even point out any warnings or comments without the must-do it in person. It will make the tenants feel in a more comfortable space, being able to control everything from the phone.